Psalm 19:1-2
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge
I struggled to count the points on the deer's antlers. It was early in the morning and as I looked hard through my cheap binoculars, I just couldn’t see clearly. We were hunting in a “point restricted” area, which meant that a buck had to have at least 4 points on one side of his rack. The binoculars that I was carrying were just not clear enough to make out the points and the opportunity was missed as the buck walked into the thick swamp… and I never saw him again.
After that season I went out and bought myself a high quality optics for my binoculars, spotting scopes and rifle scopes. The difference in amazing. I can now see clearly and brightly and everything is in focus. What a difference that makes when a split second decision must be made. The right equipment used correctly can make all the difference in seeing what is important.
In our busy day to day lives we start to lose focus on what is important. We become so involved in things that seem to matter and feel important, and because of that the truly important things become hard to make out and we miss out on what God has for us.
God gives us quality optics to see what is important. He has supplied us with His holy word that we can go to at any time. Men and women have taken the time and effort to prepare study materials to help us see clearly as well. I used to use a big heavy concordance that my parents gave me in high school… today I can Bible Gateway and other apps for anything that I am trying to understand and poof… there it is.
If you are having trouble with your focus in life… if things are getting fuzzy… take your Bible and get away to a quiet place where you can meet one on one with God. He will provide the optics for you to bring what is truly important back into focus. All He asks for is a willing heart.
Remember when things get out of focus in life, we miss out on the opportunities that God has for us.
Bring it back in focus
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