President and Boards
The President
The President is appointed by The Board of Directors to provide leadership for God's Great Outdoors, Inc., hosts the weekly radio program, and is the public representative for the ministry. As leader, he builds relationships, works with media organizations, strategic partners, colleagues, staff, and volunteers.
The President is paid a modest salary.
As President and Host of "God's Great Outdoors - The Trail to Adventure," Dean Hulce and his wife, Linda, both say, "We are a team." Having Dean and Linda in ministry these days is God's provision—a special blessing!
Subscribe to Dean's Daily Devotional - The Trail Head.
Board Of Directors
2024 Winter Board January 19-20, 2024.
Held at IMMI, Indianapolis, Indiana.
2024 Summer Board June 22, 2024.
Held at Rushing Wind Resort, Populus Lake, Canada.
Is a self-perpetuating Board of Directors (Board), consisting of up to ten members, elected for a three-year term, beginning at the time of election. New members are elected by the seated members. In the event of a premature seat vacancy, it may be left vacant, or a person can be elected to fill the seat for the remaining period of the term. A member may be re-elected for any number of terms.
Meetings of the Board are held at least twice annually. A quorum consisting of the President and three members is required to call a meeting to order.
Members serve as volunteers and must be in agreement with God's Great Outdoors, Inc., Statement of Faith.
The Board may create committees, as needed, to assist with an organized process for studies and decision-making. A Steering Committee exists to consider recommendations to be presented at Board meetings. The Chairman of the full Board also chairs the Steering Committee, consisting of three other members, and calls meetings as required to deliberate, counsel the President, and make preparations for Board meetings. The President may attend meetings as deemed necessary.
Seated Members
Seated Members as of the Board of Director's Winter Meeting 2024
Paul Branch (Gina), Auburn, IN
Keith Cline (Lora), Naper NE
Cyndi Caillouet, West Milton, OH
Will Dodson (Tammy), Danville, IN
Jeff Evans (Lynn), West Milton, OH
Paul Gathany, Springfield, OH
Tim W. Jones (Audrey), Urbana, OH
Dave Kendall (Marsha), West Milton, OH
Todd Lakes (Joanie), Ludlow Falls, Ohio
Arnie Wolf (Dee), Chili, WI
Dean Hulce (Linda), Powers, MI - President
Elected Officers:
Tim Jones - Chairman
Dave Kendall - Treasurer
Paul Gathany - Secretary
Board of Advisors
The Board of Advisors offers advice and guidance to the President and Board of Directors, assisting them to make decisions in God's Great Outdoors best interest, according to the Vision, Mission, and Core Values.
Have a relationship with Jesus Christ as personal Savior.
Agree with GGO's Statement of Faith and Vision and Mission Statements and Core Values.
Provide guidance, education, and advice in one's area of expertise.
Advance a view toward expanding GGO’s media ministry.
As appropriate, promote GGO in the community and within one's personal network.
Members are selected by the President and confirmed by the Board of Directors, serving at the will of the Member and President.
Photo by Don Armstrong