Sponsors and Partners
Psalm 37:5
Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.
A variety of relationships enable God's Great Outdoors, Inc. to operate each day and to advance, fulfilling our Mission. Each Sponsor and Partner plays a unique role. These are important relationships because we are a not-for-profit ministry and necessary to be effective in meeting the opportunities God has placed before us. As those of varying resources and time commitments partner with us, side-by-side, the ministry moves ahead sharing the Gospel of Jesus. Each partner's ability is deeply appreciated by those of God's Great Outdoors, Inc.
Featured Sponsors
Businesses who support outdoorsmen and women, and have committed resources to assist perpetuate the mission of God's Great Outdoors. $10,000 or more per year. God’s Great Outdoors recognizes the Featured Sponsors on the weekly radio broadcast, podcast, on the Website and other initiatives, as agreed upon.
Principle Sponsors
Businesses who support outdoorsmen and women, and have committed resources to assist perpetuate the mission of God's Great Outdoors. $5,000 or more per year. God's Great Outdoors recognizes the Principle Sponsors on the website and other initiatives, as agreed upon.

Strategic Partners
Organizations with whom there is a commitment to a close, enduring relationship based upon mutual ministry objectives.
Rushing Wind Resort - Ontario, Canada
Where Fishers of Men, Couples and other ministry retreats, all provide opportunities to be refreshed and forge relationships for sharing Jesus while in the outdoors.
Trail Blazers
Advocates for the ministry and are committing financial resources of at least $600 annually ($50/month).
Path Finders
Giving of any amount to support the ministry of God’s Great Outdoors.
Supporting Partners
Individuals, organizations, or businesses who have provided resources, financial and otherwise, to advance the ministry of God's Great Outdoors.
Featured Partners
Organizations whose passion is to share the Gospel and challenge Christians by leveraging God's creation. We support these ministry outreaches and have mutually benefited by our relationship over time.
We hope you will take the time to explore these ministries for yourself and decide to get behind their efforts as well. We've listed their contact information on the Ministry Partners page to get you started.