Our Legacy
Ministry Servants:
Gerry and Cyndi Caillouet
New Growth Comes Forth
“Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.”

How "God's Great Outdoors" Radio Program Started
In 1993, a group of men and women joined together and started a regional chapter of Christian Bowhunters of America . As the chapter grew and developed outreach programs, an idea for a hunt began to take shape. The hunt, called The Trophies Of Grace Whitetail Deer Hunt, became the ministry's vision to see unsaved loved ones become the "Trophies", not the deer they were harvesting.
The hunt became an annual event, with the second year seeing hunters and their families attend from nine different states. The fifth annual hunt represented twenty states. Several weeks after the second hunt, Gerry reflected on all the Christians who made their living in the outdoors. He also thought of all the different outdoor ministries he'd come in contact with, in just a few years.
Gerry was an ardent user of Gospel tracts and witnessed faithfully. He became burdened about informing the Christian community about the sacrifices of both time and money that were being committed to reach unsaved outdoorsmen. "Some men, women, and children who will not attend church are often reached by outdoor sportsmen's events."
While interviewing at WCDR-FM, Cedarville, (Dayton-Springfield) Ohio, to promote an upcoming local Christian Bowhunters event at Tar Hollow State Park in Southeastern Ohio, Gerry shared his vision for a Christian Sportsmen’s Radio Program. After talking with the General Manager that day, Gerry departed the office with the vision still running through his mind. In the discussion with Jon Skillman, the interviewer, and Paul Gathany, the General Manager, a suggestion was advanced to consider producing a syndicated niche program that would be widely distributed to stations beyond the Dayton-Springfield market. An offer was made to consider broadcasting a Christian Sportsmen's Radio program on WCDR-FM, once a acceptable quality audition program was produced.
Gerry and his wife, Cyndi, prayed about this opportunity for ministry.
A short time later, Gerry visited the radio station and spoke to Jon and Paul about what it would take to produce a weekly program. Gerry had no idea about, nor experience in, radio program production, not to speak of determining the program’s length, equipment needed, recording and editing techniques, interviewing, radio station relations, sponsorship, listener support, and more. After all, he had an unrelated full-time job.
But Gerry had a vision that had moved from his head to his heart. God was leading him toward a ministry that would eventually be "On The Air" in 1996, on WCDR-FM and the CDR Radio Network . Many more stations around the Country and Canada were to follow. A not-for-profit organization was formed with a ten member Board of Directors.
With the assistance of James Leighenheimer, Professor of Broadcasting at Cedarville University, Gerry learned how to interview, record, produce, edit, and bring together all the necessary elements to produce a quality broadcast program. A quick learner, he soon became proficient in the art. There were moments of frustration and trials. But the vision God had given him motivated Gerry to press on, doing interviews, producing new episodes, and acquiring new stations to carry the weekly, 25-minute broadcast. Gerry's ultimate goal was to share Jesus with men, women, and children by engaging them in God's creation through outdoor sportsmen's and women's activities and events.
Seeing the potential for reaching people, several prominent outdoor sports companies financially invested in GGO. Due to those relationships, commercial announcements on commercial radio stations and program underwriting on non-commercial stations were part of the support mix that enabled the ministry to maintain and grow. Donations from individuals also became an important component of support.
In the 26th year of "God's Great Outdoors" Radio (November 2, 2022), after an extended battle with kidney disease, Gerry was called to be with his Savior, Jesus. Gerry and Cyndi Caillouet's vision continues today. Standing on their shoulders, the ministry seeks to advance and expand that which was begun for God's glory.
A Tribute To The Founder And His Wife
It's with deep gratitude that those who have been associated with Gerry and Cyndi Caillouet extend heartfelt thanksgiving to God for gracing our lives with the opportunity to be blessed by their selfless efforts to share The Gospel. That was the passion of their lives. It led them to adopt two Bible verses, characterizing their personal commitment and placing them at the center of the organization they founded, God's Great Outdoors, Inc.
"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise." Proverbs 11:30
Furthermore, Gerry and Cyndi's personal testimonies and commitment have been infused into the ministry they led. Their home was their office, their daily work place was their mission field; the world was their place to access. Gerry's vision to create a radio program became an extension of themselves, fulfilling their desire to urge others to be witnesses for Christ by leveraging the activities uniquely enjoyed by outdoor sportsmen and women.
It was logical reasoning that moved them to begin the ministry, but it took the leading of the Holy Spirit to enable them to launch out into a media they knew nothing about. That was a Moses-sized step of faith!
By 2007, the ministry had grown sufficiently to enable Gerry to leave his full-time job in order to serve full-time with God's Great Outdoors.
Psalm 37:5 is the other Bible verse that motivated and guided the ministry they founded by God's grace.
As a reminder of his true support structure, Gerry made certain the imprints of these references were liberally visible.
"Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass."