Our Media Ministry
The Trail To Adventure Radio Broadcast
From its beginning, God's Great Outdoors -The Trail to Adventure, the weekly, 25-minute syndicated radio broadcast, has been the heart of the ministry. God continues to bless. We now provide a variety of media to assist in personal spiritual growth and to share with others the Gospel of Jesus. From print media to video and podcasting, we continue to lay hold of means to share glimpses of God's glory in the creation around us and through life’s changes.
Listen to a short intro from The Trail To Adventure below.
Each week, Dean Hulce travels another "Trail" as he helps listeners become acquainted with his guests and their experiences. They come to the microphone from a wide variety of interests and places, usually sharing their joys of hunting, fishing, and other outdoor passions. Enjoy a friendly conversation with those who enjoy the abundance of the Creation surrounding us and the Creator who provides it.
Listen to The Trail To Adventure Intro
Dean Hulce is the Host of the weekly program, God's Great Outdoors - The Trail To Adventure. His Co-producer and Announcer is Adam Erickson, who brings the program "On The Air" each week and introduces Dean to listeners.
Click the play button to listen to the short intro.
Ways To Listen
Listen now on OnePlace.com:
The premier internet provider of online streaming Christian radio broadcasts and programs.
Find a radio station:
Download a PDF list to check for a radio station in your area. Please contact us if you find an inaccuracy in the listing.
Listen to an extended weekly broadcast using your favorite Podcast app. Search for "God's Great Outdoors, Trail to Adventure" with host Dean Hulce.
Dean's Daily Devotionals
Each morning, Dean writes a devotional God lays upon his heart for that day—truth centered in the Bible, framed by his years of trail experiences—hunting, fishing, guiding, teaching, and making new friends. Be a new companion and join him on The Trail to Adventure.
The Trail Head Newsletter: Online
God's Great Outdoors (GGO) provides a periodic newsletter. Included are interesting event reports, stories of people inside GGO, and more. Read and then share with an online friend. Sign up for this timely electronic newsletter.
The Trail Head Newsletter: Print
Sign up for this full-color printed publication that will inform you of news related to God's Great Outdoors Ministries. Pass it on to a friend or ministry leader.
SUBSCRIBE: Sign Up for our newsletter, The Trail Head.

Video: Outdoor Adventure Trails
This is your pathway to a variety of experiences, testimonies, and events. Outdoor professionals and amateurs alike demonstrate how the Creator and His Creation hold priority in their lives. This content models opportunities you may also initiate within your sphere of influence. As the Lord provides, this content will expand.
View new content on YouTube by clicking the left button below.
View testimonies by professional sportsmen and women on YouTube by clicking the right button below.

Products are available in THE BUNKHOUSE STORE. Take a look! You'll find items to share like outdoor ministry tracts, books of outdoor adventures in God's creation, GGO logo clothing, and much more.
Resources you can use for ministry.
The Bible
Central to our Media is the Word of God. Only there do we come to know Jesus and understand who God is and who we are. Click the following link to read about How To Become A Christian.
Tell Dean:
Just as Dean listens to his guest on God's Great Outdoors, "Trail to Adventure" Radio, he would like to hear from you, his website guest.
Tell Dean about your outdoor or ministry experience. Or you may want to share a testimony of your walk with the Lord Jesus. Click the button below to tell Dean.
“Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.”