Ministry Events
For those interested in spending time outdoors, we are pleased to offer opportunities for a growing variety of interests. So come on, grab a water bottle, a backpack, rummage through that tackle box, clean out the gun barrel, or just grab a good friend and join us on The Trail to Adventure.
Dean Hulce / GGO Events Calendar

Upcoming Events
5-day * Canadian Fly-in * Fishing Events
Enjoy the wilderness setting
Abundant water to fish
Comfortable Facilities
Quality meals
God's Great Outdoors partners with Rushing Wind Resort Center in Western Ontario, Canada, providing you with an opportunity to experience the Canadian wilderness in a comfortable setting. Featured in several five-day periods, these events present ample opportunity to enjoy flying, fishing, fellowship, great food and fun, surrounded by the creation God has provided for us. This is a remote fly-in only location utilizing the services of a reputable flight service.
Past Event Reports
It has been a blessing to have been associated with past events that provided unique opportunities to build relationships, help learners, challenge the experienced, and come under the hearing of the Gospel. Find here blog posts of opportunities where God's Great Outdoors has had a role or has been represented at events.
Recommended Speakers
Book an Outdoor Personality for Your Next Event
Here you will find a list of men and women to help make your next outreach event life-changing! We understand how important it is to have a speaker that resonates with your crowd. That's why we are putting together a collection of speakers that span the spectrum of interests and personalities. This listings are here for your use. Feel free to contact the individuals on the list directly to inquire about their schedules and availability.
If you are looking for a man to speak at an event, download the Speakers List: Men
If you are looking for a woman to speak at an event, download the Speakers List: Women
Special Note:
God's Great Outdoors and its Board of Directors cannot guarantee the service of any of the speakers listed; however, all speakers listed here are in agreement with our Mission Statement and Statement of Faith . We recommend that you do your part in contacting and researching any speakers you have an interest in coming to your event. We also recommend asking for references and following up with them personally.
Contact us and let us know about your experiences with any of these Christian speakers.
Speaker Tips:
The two biggest complaints about speakers are:
The speaker did not give a clear presentation of the gospel.
The speaker went way over the allotted time.
Want to be added to the Speakers List?
If you are a speaker who agrees with God's Great Outdoors Mission Statement and Statement of Faith and would like to be listed as a God's Great Outdoors Speaker, please fill out and submit the Speaker Page Submission Form.
GGO Speaker - Appearance Request Form
To request Dean or another GGO presence at your event, please click on the button below and fill out the Appearance Request Form.
Tools To Help With Your Event
Event Registration Card:
By having each attendee fill out an Event Registration Card as they arrive, you not only have contact information, but it also enables you to use these cards as the basis for the product drawing near the end of your event. It helps save time, especially with larger groups. Download a sample Event Registration Card here.
Decision Card:
If you would like a sample Decision Card , you can download it here.
Need help planning and conducting a game dinner?
To gain a wealth of information that will help you conduct a Game Dinner event, we recommend the following resources:
The Trail To Adventure Printed Manual or
The Trail To Adventure Vol. I - 2 DVD set with PDF Printable Manual.
Both of the above resources are available in THE BUNKHOUSE STORE.
We are available to answer questions or give advice about conducting game dinners or other events designed to reach out to outdoorsmen and women with the Gospel. Use the TELL DEAN button below to ask questions or request advice.