Rushing Wind Resort Center
Summer Of 2025 Events
A 5-day * Canadian Fly-in * Fishing Event
Enjoy the wilderness setting
Abundant water to fish
Comfortable facilities
Quality meals
God's Great Outdoors partners with Populus Inspirational Camp - Rushing Wind Resort Center in Western Ontario, Canada, providing you with an opportunity to experience the Canadian wilderness in a comfortable setting. Featured in several five-day periods, these events present ample opportunity to enjoy flying, fishing, fellowship, great food, and fun, surrounded by the creation God has provided for us. This is a remote fly-in-only location utilizing the services of a reputable flight service.
Whether you are experienced or a novice in your fishing abilities, there is something here for you! Catches of Walleye, Northern, Muskie, Lake Trout, Whitefish or Perch provide satisfying times on the water. As your plane touches down on the water at Rushing Wind, you will sense this is a special place for you to spend time with your wife, a son, a daughter, another relative, or a friend.
Around the tables, you will have the opportunity to talk with veteran outdoorsmen and women. In the past, speakers have included Ron Lindner of "Lindner's Angling Edge" TV show, Keith Jennings from "Realtree Outdoors," and many more. You will be encouraged during devotional times as they tell about their experiences in the outdoors.
So, come join us for some great fishing and wonderful Christian fellowship in this unique and beautiful setting in the Canadian wilderness.
All meals prepared by the event host.
You will be surprised by everything that's included in "one price."
A nonrefundable deposit of $100 US funds is required per person (transferable to a later date this summer or next.)
See Rushing Wind Resort Center location and additional information by clicking the button below.
Catch a glimpse of the resort by viewing the seven-minute YouTube video.
We praise God for the lives changed for eternity at this event!
May 16-19 Fishers of Men - Canada
May 19-24 Fishers of Men - Canada
May 24–29 Fishers of Men - USA
May 29 - Jun 3 New Hope Youth
Jun 10-15 Honoring Our Veterans
June 15-20 Sportsmen In Ministry
June 20-25 Couples & GGO Board Meeting
June 25-30 Family Camp
All Open
Aug 5-10 Fishers of Men and Women
Aug 10-15 Sportsmen in Ministry
Aug 15-20 Fishers of Men
Aug 20-25 Sportsmen in Ministry
Aug 25-30 Fishers of Men - Canada
Aug 30 – Sept 4 Fishers of Men - Canada
To Be Announced
Total 2025 Rates: $1,300 US funds.
Make arrangements and checks payable to:
Populus Inspirational Camp
Arnie & Dee Wolf
P.O. Box 86 • Chili, WI 54420
Home: (715) 683-2530
Canada (seasonal): (807) 907-2224
Have you experienced God's Great Outdoors at Rushing Wind Resort?
We would appreciate learning about the time(s) you spent as guests of Arnie and Dee Wolf - both the expected and unexpected experiences.