Romans 6:23

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ the Lord.

It was a tough choice. Hunting one morning in Iowa, the land of giant whitetail bucks, Terry Baxter came across an ugly sight. A young buck had gotten into a fight with a wire fence and after twisting over and over again had gotten himself loose. Sadly, the buck had broken a back leg in the struggle. He was also dragging a ten foot section of twisted wire fence that was catching on anything and everything along his path. This buck was much smaller than he would normally take in this area… the decision was, “Do I keep hunting for a trophy buck, or do I attempt to hunt this buck down and end his misery and certain slow, agonizing death?”

It was a long and terrible day of chasing this poor buck around the hills until Terry finally put him out of his misery.

After reflecting on that hunt, Terry named the buck “The Sin Wire Buck”. The verse above talks about the wages of sin; if we allow it to remain, it will entangle us and eventually, if we don’t remove it, it will make us weak and if allowed to remain, it might kill us.

This morning I’m on my way to have some minor surgery done to remove a piece of plastic from my lung. It’s another example of how something seemingly small can do major damage. Like sin, if it’s allowed to remain, it will do damage. It has been making me weaker, and likely it would get worse and worse.

Sin must be removed from our lives to grow and remain healthy spiritually and emotionally.

What sin issue have you allowed to remain and fester in your life?

Change it and remove it now.

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