Mark 16:15
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation".
As light began to break I could see shapes in the field in front of me. I had been watching this field from a distance for 3 days and I wasn't allowed to shoot anything out in the field, but the landowner granted me permission to walk across it. Now here I was watching dozens of mule deer, including some great bucks feed in range of my position.
When it got to be full light the bucks moved off the field in the direction of where my dad was set up. I crossed the field and snuck to the edge of the canyon where the bucks had gone. When I looked down in the valley there were three big bucks down along the creek below me, well within range, but moving towards my dad, who I now could see was getting ready for a shot... so just watched the hunt playout.
After a few minutes the bucks got in position for my dad to shoot. When he shot the biggest, it ran up into a area of pines and broken rocky outcroppings. I watched it drop in an area where my dad couldn't see it and would likely have a hard time finding it amongst the rocks. I stood on the hill and gave hand signals to him. By going the way that I told him, he was successful in finding the buck. If he had not gone where I told him to go, he wouldn't have been successful.
That's one of my best memories of hunting with my dad. Sitting over that buck and talking was a great day. We dragged the buck out together, just the two of us. None of it would have happened unless we followed the directions given.
Christ gave his disciples, and in turn you and I, many commands that gave us direction during His 3 years of ministry, for instance...
• Love Your Enemies (Matthew 5:44–46).
• Fear Not (Matthew 10:28).
• Feed My Sheep (John 2 1:15–16).
• Love Your Neighbor (Matthew 22:39–40).
However at the very end of His earthly ministry, what was His very last command? Of anything that Christ could have left His disciples with, what was it that He wanted to leave them? That command was given in these 2 verses.
Matthew 28:19-20
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
A friend once told me that he felt God calling him to "Go" and do missions work... but he wasn't clear on where or what. Then one day he came to me and told me where God wanted him to "GO" and serve... "right where I am"! We are all called to serve "right where we are".
I believe as Christians we are all called to "GO". But sometimes we don't have to "Go" far. Sometimes to "GO" is a place right where you already are. "GOING" can be a mental and spiritual decision. Or "GOING" could bring you around the state, around the country or around the world.
The truth is, there are plenty of lost people all over our world. They are next door to you, they work with you, they meet you at the stores, at the Gym, fishing on the lake, hunting with you and on the street. Sometimes we just have to listen to God's command to "GO" and we'll find the one (or many) that God wants us to bring back to Him.
God's Great Outdoors ministry is a place God called me to "Go". I travel a lot and sometimes I'm at my computer 7 days a week. Where God calls I "Go". My mission field is to reach those outdoorsmen and women that are listening on their radios or podcasts or reading these devotionals.
How about you? Set your heart on wanting to reach just one today... Desire to cross over into enemy territory and bring a soul back for Christ. Each time you "Go" will become easier. Each time you "Go" will be more rewarding and you will find it easier to live out His command to "GO".
"Go and make disciples of all nations.". What are you waiting for? GO!
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