Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Opening day of deer season this year I couldn't decide where to hunt. Everyone else had their stand that they would go to... but my mind was blocked. There were 3 or 4 stands that I could pick, but I couldn't make up my mind. I talked to the others in camp and took advise and made the right decision.
It doesn't happen many mornings, but occasionally I end up with a hard case of writer's block. It is somewhat like trying to pick a deer blind, when there are several good options, but it might be too many.
When this happens, I read scripture, I pray, I read morning posts by Christian brothers and sisters... nothing was comes to me. After an hour I'll usually stop and prayed again, asking the Lord to direct me in what He wants me to write.
This happened a while ago and after a while It was Philippians 4:13 that came to mind.
My first thought was that God Himself was showing me that "I can do all things"... but what I saw was something different from what I've seen before. I've always seen this verse as a scripture of achievement. I've always read the words with the emphasis on "CAN". "I CAN do all things". Today I saw something different.
I've always tried to give God the credit for my writing. Maybe it's not always good. Maybe I don't get my heart across or explained like I hope. But Monday through Friday, week after week, month after month, year after year, God provides not only the subject but the words of the writing as well. I'm amazed how He fills the blank page as my fingers hit the keys. But then the days like today happen and my mind goes blank. So again I pray.
God showed me something different in the verse today. We often read verse 11, 12 & 13 together but we separate verse 13 in our thought process. What I saw today wasn't verse 13 as a statement of achievement, but a statement of contentment.
Verses 11-13 say this. "I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:11-13)
Paul, rather than envisioning all that he can accomplish, he is focused on his heart response to his circumstances, whether to his advantage or not, whether in plenty or need.
Our lives, if we are living for Christ, are no longer about our glory, but His. He knows our hearts and He alone can provide an abundance or a time of need. And in either situation, we know that we are taken care of because of Paul's words from verse 13. What I saw today wasn't a picture of Rocky Balboa standing at the top of the stairs with his hands raised high in triumph... but instead Tim Tebow with his head lowered in prayer.
If anything, Paul's words in Philippians chapter four release us to give our all, knowing that our all is enough to glorify the One who is most definitely enough for us. And when we've given our all we can be content in knowing that we can make it through because He gives us strength to do ALL things.
I guess, like most days, my writer's block has shown that it isn't ever about me... but Him that lives in and through me. Have a great day.
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