In God's will... I can

Matthew 19:26
And looking at them Jesus said to them, "With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

It was the last night of the Colorado archery elk season.  Tyler had come on his first out of state hunt.  He had had some good opportunities early in the hunt but had passed , hoping for something better.  Now it was nearly sundown and his tag was still tucked  nicely in his backpack. 

As a guide, we take it personally when one of our hunter doesn't fill his tag, especially when that hunter is a young man on a special hunt with his dad. 

We had jumped a herd of elk out of a waterhole and we were sneaking back into that area for one last ditch effort.  As we snuck in closely we heard a bull scream just below us in the aspen stand.  Our hopes just went up. What we thought was impossible a few minutes ago, now began to feel possible.

After a few minutes, with the sun dipping towards the horizon the bulls opened up all around us.  After slipping in really close the seemingly impossible happened... Tyler's arrow found it's mark on the biggest bull we evert took in Colorado.

I've used the above verse a few times in my past devotionals and I truly believe that what it says is true.  However, I think that it needs some clarification.  "ALL THINGS are possible with God", but for God's children, those that honestly have a father/child relationship with Him, while it is possible, it has to be in His will for you to have it work.

When we start stepping outside of His will for us, we can try and try and even pray but we are wasting our breath and energy.  That energy is much better spent seeking out what God wants for us.  My 5 year old granddaughter could have a true desire to become the starting quarterback for the Green Bay Packers next year.  She can dream it, she can practice and train and do everything in her power to achieve it.  However, if it isn't in God's plan for her (His will) it isn't going to happen.

Many are falling into the belief that is based on a popular saying that some clergy have used, "If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it!"  the problem is, if we step outside what God's will is, we can plan and move forward all we want but our plans will fail.

When we start conceiving thoughts and dreams, let's ALWAYS make sure that its  not what we want but what God wants for us.

John 5:30
By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.(John 5:30)

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