John 14:1-3
“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many rooms; if that were not so, I would have told you, because I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will take you to Myself, so that where I am, there you also will be.

For many years I’ve made a journey to western states in Sept, Oct or Nov.  There were few years when I didn’t pack up my gear in a truck and on an early morning put the sunrise in my rear view mirror and start driving.  I missed very few opportunities in the last 40 years… but I made up for them on the years I made multiple trips.  I’ve loved the road trips to the mountains or the great plains.  

Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote: “life is a journey, not a destination”.

Over the years I’ve had great friends travel with me, my dad and brothers, Linda, my boys and even grandkids, and I’ve traveled alone.  Time in the vehicle produced great anticipation and excitement.  Relationships were renewed and strengthened.  The journey was always a great part of my year and it made the destination even more special.
All that being said, the journey was just a way to get to my destination, which was the purpose of the journey.  The anticipation was great, but sitting on a mountain top,  seashore or seeing the sunrise over some of the most beautiful country on earth was the destination.

The older we get the more we understand that life is very short.  It used to be that waiting for Christmas or deer season took forever, now it’s come and gone before I know it and another year is just a memory.  The faster it goes, the more I wonder why it’s about the journey, if we aren’t concentrating on the destination.

Someday, when we face the end of our lives, if the Lord allows, we will reflect back on the journey… but if we have no hope of a glorious destination, it’s all been for naught.  As my years pile up and I know that the time ahead on earth is far shorter than the time behind, I begin looking forward to the destination more and more.

Someday, we’ll all leave this earth.  This world, or the grave, is not the destination…  this is just the journey.  When we leave here, our bodies will decay away into dust, but our soul will live on.  The soul is eternal and there are very limited options for the destination of our soul…  only two actually.

When this journey ends and you stand before your Creator, and if He asks you, “Why should I allow you into my heaven?”, what will your answer be?

You can know.  

This journey is short.  The continual trips around the sun will someday end for all of us.  Maybe this year for some, maybe a long time for others,  but it will end.  What will your destination be?

If you don’t know and want to, I’ll send you information on how you can be sure… just ask.

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