Just Call Out

Romans 10:13

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Yesterday I got the urge to dig through the turkey hunting gear. It was 52 degrees and the sun was shining, It felt like spring. It was a wonderful feeling after weeks of below normal temperatures.

I picked up a couple of new calls that were given to me over the last year and played them for a few minutes each. Although I have used turkey calls for over 40 years and have actually had them in my hands or mouth for hundreds of hours, I still enjoy practicing to be the best I can be at many different calls. The challenge of calling a turkey into close range is why I turkey hunt. There are many different sounds that can be made that will help you be successful in the turkey woods.

Unlike turkey hunting, in life, when it comes to eternity there is only one needed call. In the verse above we read, “call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” The word “call” here doesn’t give us options, it is one call. This word comes from the Greek word, ἐπικαλέω. This word means more than to just “call” but to cry out. Some explained it this way to me, “to cry out as if you were lost or in danger and needed help desperately”.

In turkey hunting that call would be a kee-kee call. It’s the call of a young turkey that is separated from it’s parent, it’s lost and needs help. That’s what ἐπικαλέω means. Until we’ve come to Christ and taken Him into our life we are lost and without Him. I’ve heard it said that we have a hole in our heart that is the shape of God. We need Him to fill that hole, so when we come to that realization, we call out, or cry out, to Him. We’re lost until we’ve cried out, just like those young turkeys.

I’ve been honored a few times to speak before groups of Purple Heart Veterans. Each of these men and women were wounded in battle in some way. They were knocked down and many were unable to get up again without someone coming to save them. The cry out for help that comes from these men and women is the same as ἐπικαλέω.

Another part of the Greek definition is to “call out by name”. It’s as if that wounded soldier knew who it was to come and save them. As a person in need of a savior, that name is Jesus.

If you’ve never come to a place in your life where you’ve called on the name of Jesus to save you…. I challenge you today to do just that. He is the only one with the power to grant eternal life. For you and I to receive that gift, as well as having a relationship with the all-powerful God, it easy…. Call on His name and accept His gift. It’s that simple.

Life is short, and as we get older it goes by quicker and quicker. Eternity is forever… our minds can’t even comprehend that. We have a loving God that wants all to spend eternity in heaven with Him.

Don’t miss your chance, call out to Him.

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