Isaiah 55:12
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
I've heard this verse so many times in my life, I don't think I could count them all. And the song that was written from this verse sticks in my head from time to time. This morning I was considering how God's glory shows itself in so many ways. And we take them for granted. I was recalling one day in the Sangre de Cristo mountains when the elk were bugling at a deafening level. The mountains truly did "burst into song". It was truly an awesome sound and experience.
Our God is so amazing... He puts our lives into places and shows us things that we can't fathom... And yet, so many times we can't see His Majesty in the things around us. It's on those special days that we wake up to realize that we are surrounded every day by His amazing glory.
Another morning, in the same location, I was at 10,000 ft and there were dark clouds hanging on the mountain. Out 10 miles into the valley there is a butte that the sun broke out on and made it glow. It was a view that I can only describe as a "God sighting" (and I don't use that term). But God truly blessed me with a miraculous view.
Look around, notice the things that our Lord shows you. He allows us to draw close to Him through His creation and majesty.
Some of these places take extra effort to get to... Some, like in the high mountains, are painful... But... Press in. Dig deep. Discover God's great plan for you. Discover God's special place that he wants you to experience. It won't necessarily be easy. There will be sacrifice. But it is worth it!
Corinthians 2:9 says it very well,
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him."
Look around! Remember that God shows miraculous glory in every direction.
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