Nehemiah 9:12
By day you led them with a pillar of cloud, and by night with a pillar of fire to give them light on the way they were to take.

I was nervous.  Our boat captain asked me to take the 32 foot boat out from the mouth Zachar River through 2 ½ miles of the extremely shallow waters of Zachar Bay of Kodiak Island.  The only safe way in and out of the bay is traversing the underwater 10-15 foot wide riverbed.  I had to follow the Lowrance navigational system.  If I took my eyes off of the device most likely I would run aground and be stuck there until help could arrive. If I was there when the tides went out I would have been stranded on dry ground. I was white knuckled until I was out in open water again.

I was lucky to have the Lowrance system to use. One night as i watched MYSTERIES AT THE MUSEUM on TV, they showed some old shipping navigational tools.  It was amazing to me that the sailors could look at the stars and figure out where they were going.  Some of the tools were so simple, yet they were what kept the sailors alive while traveling around the world on open seas.  wow!

Back when the Israelites were fleeing the Egyptians, God provided a way for His people to get to where He wanted them.  They hadn't been there before but God gave them a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to direct them.

I believe that God is all-powerful and still does miracles in the lives of His people.  And even though we might not see pillars of fire to lead us, He has given us very powerful tools to direct our way through life.

God inspired men to write His word so we have it at our fingertips day and night.  Today with the electronics you can find any scripture and or studies with the touch if a finger.  We also have the Holy Spirit in the lives of those that know Christ.  He was sent for just such a purpose, to direct us and comfort us... All we have to do it ask.  We have direct access to an all-powerful God every second of every day... Use that power

Psalms 16:8
I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

As we sail through life we do have light to follow.  We've got an amazing set of instruments that guide and direct us through all the stormy seas we face.  All we have to do it ask for help.

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