Galatians 6:9
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up"

Dusty Gerrits had been an avid bowhunter for three decades and he was in his treestand in southwestern Fond du Lac County well before first light, looking for a different buck, nicknamed "Tiny".  Dusty almost didn't hunt that voting day as he had a lot to do.  Good thing for him he changed his mind.  "Tiny" had been photographed by a trail camera the previous morning.  Dusty didn't have to wait long to see deer, but none of them were Tiny.

At daylight an 8-point buck was working a scrape line near his stand.  Dusty considered that buck but knew that the 150" "Tiny" was close by.  When the big buck approached from the south, the bowhunter assumed it was "Tiny" but instead this was a new buck, a buck he had never seen before and the biggest he had ever seen.

"The two bucks circled each other for several seconds before the smaller one realized he was overmatched and let the big boy take over the area around the scrape," Gerrits said.

After chasing off the 8-pointer, the BIG buck gave Gerrits a good shot at just 22 yards.  The shot looked true, but the the hunter waited for 45 minutes to be sure.  Finally Gerrits followed a good blood trail to the buck, which had dropped just 50 yards from his stand.

Gerrits' buck weighed 232 pounds live weight. The giant rack had an inside spread of nearly 20 inches. Its final net score was 189 3⁄8 inches.

All too often we get tired of waiting for what us best in our lives.  Dusty Gerrits had been hunting since early fall, 60 days.  Many hunters would have taken that 8 point when it presented a shot.  We all sometimes lose heart and give up... If Gerrits had done that, he would never have killed one of the biggest bucks ever shot with the bow.

The Israelites lost heart and some gave up, and it kept them out of the Promised Land. Numbers 14:2-4 says, "All the Israelites grumbled against Moses . . . 'If only we had died in Egypt!   We should choose a leader and go back to Egypt". They gave up on their dream.  After 400 years of slavery in Egypt they had finally been saved and got out, but then wanted to go back because they weren't happy and now they were willing to settle for less than the best.

Like the Israelites, many people would rather live in slavery than wait for what God has it store for their lives. They are not willing to push through and work on their problems until they get through it. They want to give up, they quit.  God's got a beautiful plan for you and your life.  Wait on Him to make it happen.  Trust it's coming and... NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS THAN GOD'S BEST.

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