John 1:5 

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

There is a special time in the outdoors, the time between total darkness and sunrise. Whether, hunting, fishing, hiking or just sitting on a hillside enjoying daybreak, that hour of the day is a beautiful time.

One morning a while ago, Linda and I were sitting on a hillside in South Dakota. Just before daylight started to break we noticed a line of clouds quickly engulfing the stars to the west. It seemed as though daylight would be delayed, but it wasn’t. Daylight broke as it did every morning and the sun shone into the darkness and made everything bright and clear. It made me realize that no matter how dark things get light will always overcome it.

God's sun and God's Son will always triumph over darkness in our lives and in this world. Whatever we are facing today, God's light will shine into it and overtake the darkness, if we allow it. We can stifle His light in our life, if we choose to. But it is there and it is our choice to allow it to push out the darkness or allow it in.

Remember that every stretch of darkness will end when the light shines into it.

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." 

Allow God's light to drive out the darkness of this world. We can trust Him 100% to bring light and love to any situation, if we allow Him to.

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