Hebrews 9:22
In fact under the Law almost everything is purified by means of blood, and without the shedding of blood there is neither forgiveness for sin.
I love to hunt... I've spent much of my life hunting, or more often taking others hunting. One of my favorite things to do in hunting is trailing/tracking an animal to harvest. A good "blood trail" is an exciting thing. The blood is what brings life to the animal. The "heavier" the trail the better chance for success... WITHOUT BLOOD THERE IS NO LIFE. Any hunter can relate to this.
More than anything else in the body, blood is essential to life. It's what carries the fuel and oxygen to the billions of cells in our bodies. Blood supplies the brain and the heart with the necessary nourishment to function. It also carries carbon dioxide and other waste materials to the digestive system, where they are then removed from the body. Without blood we couldn't keep warm or cool, fight infections, or get rid of our own waste products. Additionally, our very identity, our DNA, is located in our blood.
We must understand this... God is so obsessed with blood because He's so obsessed with life not death.
The Israelites while in Egypt put the blood of a pure lamb on their door posts to preserve their life. They also sacrificed pure animals, by shedding the blood, to receive forgiveness for their sins.
Thank God that today we don't have to do that. Jesus came and gave of himself so that we are cleansed by His blood.
We once had a blood trail on a bull elk in Colorado that was very difficult. The hunter's arrow and hit a branch and veered off course. We tracked that bull all day, losing the trail several times. 3 miles, and many hours, later we caught up to him. His blood trail was a hard one to follow.
Christ's blood trail is simple to follow, it flows from the cross where He died just for you and just for me... and it flows right to us where it covers all our sins and makes us pure and holy as He is holy. What a gift and to get it, all we have to do is believe and accept it.
Christ's blood was shed to bring us life... He came for that purpose. Death couldn't hold Him.
Romans 5:10
For if, while we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!
Thank you Jesus!
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