Exodus 34:21

“Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest; in plowing time and in harvest you shall rest.

It’s only the third morning of Michigan’s firearm season, but I slept in. I didn’t go hunting this morning. In our camp that’s almost unheard of…. It’s just not done. But I have a lot of work to do and needed a rest, BADLY. I’m still tired, but it will be better later today.

How many of us any more can recite the Ten Commandments? Oh we all remember the big ones, you shall not steal, you shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery…. But can we recite the rest?

#4 in the list says that we are to remember the Sabbath. Now these were laws given to God’s people before Christ came and removed us from living under the law. But still every one of the Commandments still stands.

In Mark 2:27, Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath” . This means, God created this idea of you taking a day off every seven days for rest, recreation, worship, and restoration. It’s His idea, and it’s for your own benefit so you don’t burn out.

This doesn’t mean we don’t go to our jobs, but go home and work instead… it means we get some much needed rest. The word “recreation” broken down is, (to show what we need…) RE- CREATION. To re-recreate ourselves. We need that once in a while. A break from the stress and hard work of the day to day life.

So, when you are struggling to deal with life or are so tired that you struggle to function, take a day (or more) to re-create yourself and rest. Go to bed early and sleep late. Whatever it takes, get the rest. You will be much better because of it.

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