Matthew 4:19
Then He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
My dad loved to trout fish and he instilled that in me as well. I remember him telling me about going fishing in the mountains once in Crooks Creek, a tiny little trout stream in Northern Colorado. Crooks Creek is hidden high in the Flat Tops Wilderness Area and probably doesn’t see 5 fishermen each year.
Dad ran into an old timer on the Creek one day and he talked to him about the fishing. The old gentleman was using trout eggs for bait and had an empty creel. He explained the fish just weren’t biting. Dad had an old fishing pole that he found in the cabin where he was staying while elk hunting and he had picked up some grasshoppers as he walked along. He caught a beautiful brook trout with nearly every cast. The fish were there and they were hungry, you just needed the right bait.
Our world is full of hungry people and every follower of Jesus Christ is to be a fisher of men. There is no greater treasure to be collected than people. My walls are filled with trophies that I look at and recall the times I had collecting them. Deer, bears, turkeys, ducks, elk, mountain lions, and more. They are all special trophies and special memories. People are the only true trophies and treasures we can take with us when we one day leave this earth.
So how are we to catch the people that are hungering for truth? What kind of bait should we to using? Where are we to cast our fishing line? The best fisherman are those who fish all the time. If that is true than a lifestyle of evangelism should make us better at catching people for the kingdom of God.
The best bait is a joyful, blessed life and a loving heart. The best place to catch fish is to cast our lines wherever the are fish gathered, hungry and biting. We can’t sit at home and hope the fish swim to us, we have to go to the fish. There are very few fish that will jump into the boat. To be a great fisherman we must have a plan and a place to go. Great fishermen go fishing expecting to catch fish and God says He will, “increase the harvest” (2 Corinthians 9:10)
Like those little grasshoppers in the Rocky Mountains, God has supplied the best bait possible when He sent His Son, Jesus, to bring us hope and salvation. We have all we need to reach the world. And He gave us The Holy Spirit to give us the ability for the best presentation of the bait.
Let's, therefore, grab our fishing pole, the right bait (the Gospel message) and let’s go into all the world and share it.
What are we waiting for? Season is always open. Let’s go fishing.
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