Psalm 107:28-31
28 Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress.
29 He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.
30 They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven.
31 Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind
What started out as a beautiful day to fish quickly turned disastrous. The water's surface went from smooth glass to dangerously rough in minutes. Without warning massive winds came out of the south and the calm day turned deadly. My dad and several customers that he was entertaining on the fishing boat were in for the ride of their lives.
They were fishing that day on Standard Rock, 45 miles north of Marquette Michigan in the middle of Lake Superior. This is the lake that brought down The Edmund Fitzgerald and many other ships and boats over the last 200 years. This storm would become deadly before the day ended... one small fishing boat didn't make it back and two men lost their lives. For my dad and their group it was a long rough ride, with waves crashing over the boat and winds that tossed them from wave to wave, but they made it to the dock.
While there aren't many of us that will face those kinds of storms in our lives we all face storms of one kind or another. Emotional and spiritual storms come upon all of us fairly often. We all face things in life that feel like we will not make it through. And like those facing deadly storms on boats we cry out for God's help.
The scripture above from Psalm 107 explains the stages we go through when facing the storms of life. We face the storms, we call out to God, He calms our storms and we thanks Him for His provision of safety and security.
Have you ever felt like the storms of life were crashing in on you? Like those fisherman drenched by the driving winds and rain, you feel emotionally drenched by the uncontrollable storms swirling around you, unable to avoid their wrath.
Thankfully, these storms in our lives don't represent the end of our story. God knew we would experience times of heartache because of attacks and disappointments. He knew we would become overtaken at times because of the storm clouds and the torrential rain. He knew we would lose sight of an escape from the storm brewing around us. But by spending time in the Bible, we can escape from the storm raging around us, finding peace and safety even when the storms bring crashing waves outside.
If you find yourself in the midst of a storm today, be encouraged as you seek comfort in God's Word and in Prayer with Him. Know that you can always find peace and safety in your relationship with Him, even as the winds and the rain continue to rage around you.
Joshua 1:9 brings us confidence in His provision...
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
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