Romans 16:18
For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.
It was a couple of hours after dark before Joe and I got back to camp. Right at last light, Joe shot a bull elk and by the time we found it and dressed it out, it was very late. The next morning we got up 3 hours before daylight to get the bull out in time to get the hunters on their way home.
It was complete darkness when we headed up the mountain. I was leading the way and Dave was following me up the mountain with his truck. I had never driven into the area where the bull had died and at one point I made a wrong turn and went up a narrow road to a dead end. When we stopped in the dark at the gate, we got out and assessed the situation.
We we're in a bad situation. The road was very narrow and there was a steep drop-off on the passenger's side. There was no place to turn around, so we had to back down a couple hundred yards in complete darkness. Dave had wished he hadn't followed me up that road to the wrong place. It ended up being very dangerous.
I've found in life that there are times we follow others, thinking that they know the way. Most of the time we can figure out quickly that following people is a dangerous action. Sooner or later humans will let us down and following them will lead us off the right road. God will NEVER do that. He is the truth and He is always the right path.
Scripture tells us over and over again to watch out for people who may try to deceive us, but sadly many people overlook these warnings. If there has ever been a time to be on guard it would be now. More and more wolves are popping up and deceiving many. Shield yourself with the Word of God so you don't become a victim. Meditate on the Bible daily. Anything that is hindering your growth in Christ, remove it from your life.
Anyone you hear proclaiming to serve the Lord, measure their words and actions against God's word.
2 Timothy 4:3-4 speaks of the desire of people to follow people that aren't speaking the truth.
"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears. They will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths"
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