James 1:19
"Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry"

When we first saw him he was so far away we thought he was a big mule deer buck.  But when we look through the binoculars we could see he was a mature bull elk.  I bugle as loud as I could, then looked though the binoculars.   After a couple seconds he lifted his head and through his head back and called back. 

That bull started our way and after 20 minutes he was finally closing in.  When he was in bow range, I let out a call to try to stop him in a shooting lane.  What came out of my mouth was not a sound made by any elk... ever.  I blew it... literally and figuratively.

That bull didn't like what he heard and he slowly turned and walked away... out if our lives, forever.

How often in life have we said something that we regret later?  It may have been something that was perfectly innocent, but someone heard it and took it wrong and they turned and walked away, upset or hurt.  This happens all too often and many relationships are destroyed by the wrong words and not listening carefully.

There are three instructions in James 1:19; be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry... seems simple enough.   But how many of us live this out?  How many of us really want to listen carefully to someone else's opinion before we give our own?  If we watch the news and see when they have two guests with differing opinions, rarely does one get done with a sentence before the other jumps in over them in the conversation.  Before long tempers are high and they are both angry.  Why?  Because both are talking, neither are listening and both have become angry.

The three instructions that James gave show up all too often when we do the opposite of what he suggests.  When we're quick to speak, Small issues turn into BIG problems.  When we're slow to listen we don't truly hear the other person and miscommunication turns into an argument.  When we're quick to become angry, because of the miscommunication, we become bitter and our relationships are often destroyed.

There's a saying that says that we too often listen to respond instead of listening to understand.  We start preparing our response when the other person is only half way through what they are saying.  When we give our response the other person in the conversation is offended because you didn't listen to what they really said... and so it goes downhill quickly.

I've heard it said that, "God gave us two ears and only one mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we speak".  I would change that, I believe we should listen three times as much.  If we just first listen with our ears (we just hear the words), then listen with our minds (think about what was said), then listen with our heart (allow God to give you the understanding of what was said).  It's after this that we can give a godly response.  If we stop that process at the ears or mind our response will be from our own thoughts and not those of God.

Learning to follow the three steps in James 1:19 is a tough thing to do.  It means giving up our own selfish desires and allowing others to win sometimes.   But as life goes on the blessings that come from those three short thoughts will change our lives.

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