Going on a Spiritual "Walk About"

Colossians 2:6-7

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

When I was a kid, the Michigan laws for deer hunting said that a hunter had to be at least 14 years old to hunt deer. In our area this was a “coming of age” experience for those that hunted. I remember well my first opening day of deer season after my 14th birthday. I rode down a river in a canoe with my dad and brother. When we got to the area we were going to hunt we pulled the canoe to shore in the dark, tied the canoe off and climbed the high bank. Then my dad gave me directions on where to go to the place he wanted me to hunt. I walked off in the dark about a quarter mile and stood against a tree for the morning hunt. It was a exciting and scary experience… But it was part of becoming a man.

It wasn’t a successful hunt that morning, but the next year we did the same thing again and that year I did harvest a deer and It was one more step in my becoming a man. It was very similar to the aboriginal people in Australia, where the males go on a "walk-about" as part of their rite of passage into manhood. They travel alone across their land to become familiar with it and thus a part of it.

The Greek word for “live” (peripateo) in the scripture above, literally means to "walk about." According to Paul, our trust in the gospel of God's grace through Christ results in a "walk about" in him; we become familiar with him and a part of him.

So as we experience God's love and explore His relationship with us, we learn more and more about our lives in Him. This is a lifetime, not just a one-time thing.

Go on a spiritual "WALK ABOUT"

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