Psalm 37:5-7
"Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him"

I was a beautiful, "blue bird" fall day.  Sunny, unseasonably warm and  calm.  Linda sat in her deer stand and enjoyed the day.  She told me in a text that she was praising God for  the day.  Just as the sun went down, Linda saw movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to see a big 10 point buck enter the field.  A few seconds later Linda harvested her best Michigan buck. 

What does your heart desire?  I'm not talking about a "pie in the sky" dream of billions of dollars, but deep down in your heart, what are your true desires?  As we grow older these things change.  Some of us never get past wishing to be independently wealthy or a movie star but as we age most of us start to wish for comfort, peace in our lives and to serve others. 

I recently heard a story of a hunter who prays at the beginning of each season, "Lord, give me a trophy that I can serve you with." Now that sounds like a strange prayer to many but to a hunter who serves through the outdoors, it makes perfect sense. 

that fall day when my wife Linda, sat in her stand and praised God, she prayed that it was in His will, she desired to shoot a large buck we had on camera close by.  In praying she told Him that she would give Him all the glory.   Within a couple of hours that very buck calmly walked in front of Linda and she harvested it. 

Linda has told that story to anyone that will listen and each time she gives God the glory for the place to hunt and the opportunity to harvest.  Even in the harvest of a trophy deer it was all about God.

Is God giving you the desires of your heart?  The verses above tell us a few things... Our delight must be first in the Lord. It must be priority in our lives. 

Second, we must be "trusting in Him and doing good?"

Third, we must, "Commit your way to the Lord and trust in Him"

Last, we are also commanded to be still and to wait on Him.  God's timing is not our timing. 

How about your desires?  Are they all about you or are they to glorify God no matter what happens in your life?  When our desires match His will, then and only then will we be truly happy in life.

There's an old John H. Sammis hymn we used to sing in church fairly often, "Trust and Obey".

"Trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey"

God allow me to glorify you in all I do and to always trust and obey.

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