Joshua 1:8
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

I could see a doe moving down the hill in some balsam trees.  She was watching back over her shoulder and I was hoping it meant that somewhere down there was a buck as well.  All of a sudden she began running up the hill towards where I stood, rifle at the ready.  She disappeared into the think evergreens and when she popped out she was just a few yards from me.  She didn't notice me and passed unalarmed.  Then the buck I was hoping was there came on the same path.   When he broke into the open, I fired the rifle and collected my first buck.

That hunt took place nearly 50 tears ago now, yet I remember it well.  The one thing that I recall was the rifle in my hands was a Winchester,  model 94, chambered in .32 Win special.  It had been my grandfather's gun, then my dad's,  then my brother Dave's and now belongs to my grandson.  Countless deer were harvested with that old rifle and the wear and tear of the rifle could tell a lot of stories.

Though worn, that rifle had always been very reliable.  It shot true and you could count on it getting the job done.  It reminds me of my dad's original, leather bound King James   bible.  I've had that bible for many years now and I have to be careful even turning a page as I fear it falling apart.  There are markings all over the pages.  It was obviously very used.

We can't expect God to talk to us, if we are not willing to listen.  God can talk to us in many ways but when we read the bible we are hearing God's words written for us, to hear Him. 

We can't keep any relationship going without listening and conversing with a person.  The same is true of a relationship with God.  Open your bible, wear it out. It will never let you down

Dr David Jeremiah once said, "The Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't."

Psalm 119:18
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.

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