Matthew 24:42-44
Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

For years we canoed into an area that we just called "The Peninsula".  It was a 80 acre strip of secluded land between a river and a creek in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.   We left camp a couple of hours before sunrise and drove 20 miles to a river bank where we launched a canoe and floated down the river in the dark for ¾ miles, then got back out and walked to our hunting spots.

After 45 years of my dad hunting the same spot, on the "Peninsula", a logging company put a big gravel road within feet of his stand.  When we arrived to check his spot out the week before season, he sat down on the old burned out stump and cried... It was the end of an era for our family.

The photo attached was his last buck from that stand site that year.  We took the stump with us when we left.  The photo shows him sitting on the stump in the front yard of camp.

As I reflect on this end of an era, I begin to realize that I need to have a lot more concern about sharing with those who would be adversely affected by the end of an era when Jesus Christ returns for His children.

Who can we have an influence on to bring them into a relationship with Jesus?  So much emotion goes into the passing of a family member, a major change in a long term career and many other ends of eras...  Do we consider the impact the end of this current era will be for some many that don't know Jesus? 

It's time to share our love for Christ with all that will listen... and even with those that don't want to.

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