Exodus 4:10-13
But Moses said, "No, Lord, don't send me. I have never been a good speaker, and I haven't become one since you began to speak to me. I am a poor speaker, slow and hesitant."
11 The Lord said to him, "Who gives man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or dumb? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? It is I, the Lord. 12 Now, go! I will help you to speak, and I will tell you what to say." 13 But Moses answered, "No, Lord, please send someone else."

I was only 15 and we were hunting a place I had never been before.  My dad gave me some directions of how to go to a small ridge 3/8 of a mile from where he would be hunting.   He said that he was confident that I could find the place... I wasn't sure.  It was dark and I was nervous, but when my dad said, "go"... I went. 

I wasn't successful that morning, but I was a later that day after we moved to another location.  It wasn't so important to see the results... but to follow the call to  "go".

Several years ago when I first got into ministry I was asked to write an encouraging letter/devotional.   I struggled to do it at first and felt unworthy to use God's word in this way. But each day I wrote and it became easier and easier.  Every week I felt that I wasn't the right person to be doing this.  I would ask the head of the ministry what I should be working on and he would say, "just keep writing"...  I would question this in my heart every day.

Now 12 years later I still write each day and at times I still feel unworthy.  To use scripture feels to me like a heavy task... Like a pastor bringing the Word to his congregation.  And I know that in and of myself, I am unworthy.  However with God, all things are possible. 

Two weeks ago the father of a dear friend passed away, too young and very unexpectedly.  I was with that friend in my truck when he got the call.  We prayed together and I was blessed to be used by God to love my friend.  A few days later he sent me a text with a photo.  The photo was of my two books laying on his dad end table next to his chair.  The message read, "These were sitting where my dad would sit and drink his morning coffee, do his devotionals and read his newspaper.  He had read through both of them and was going back through them again. He really appreciated your books, Thank you so much for them."

At times God calls us to do things that are unexpected or uncomfortable for us and we don't feel worthy.  But if He calls us to it then He will give us the tools to get through it. 

Moses argued with God about his ability to do what God was calling him out to do.  There was Moses speaking to God Himself in a bush that totally ablaze and wasn't burning up... How many of us have seen that or heard God speak through it?  And yet Moses doubted.  Then God did miracles in front of Moses face and still Moses argued.  Finally God became angry and said that Moses brother could go and help him.

What is God calling you to do that you are uncomfortable with?    Are you fighting to stay in safe place instead of following His direction for you?  Are you arguing with God, as if you somehow know more than He does... How foolish we are at times.

God has a blessing waiting for you to take it.  He's calling all of his children to serve Him by serving others.  The blessing I got when my friend sent the photo of my books lifted me and drove me on... But it shouldn't take that, God's directing should be more than enough for us to move forward.

Answer His call... Move forward with confidence.  With God beside you, you will succeed!

Moses said, "Don't send me", but God had other plans.  God said, "Now get going!".

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