Jeremiah 31:15
This is what the LORD says: "A cry is heard in Ramah— deep anguish and bitter weeping. Rachel weeps for her children, refusing to be comforted— for her children are gone."
A young woman sits on the curbing with her face in her hands. Tears slowly run down her cheeks. The media had made it sound like an easy choice, the brochures make it sound so simple and even the billboards had shown "would-be" mothers celebrating their anniversary. But it wasn't like that... it was lonely, cold and it tearing away at her very soul.
This past week, it was the 52nd anniversary of the 1973 decision of Roe vs Wade. It was also the 6th anniversary of the State of New York action that even shocked some proponents of abortion. The vote to legalize and welcome abortion up to the day, even the very moment of delivery, passed. Now the state that does not allow for the execution of convicted murderers, rapists and child abusers are allowing for babies to be injected, poisoned in the womb and even into the birth canal. The legislators stood and laughed and cheered while the law was signed
The social media that day blew up on this subject with photos of babies in garbage bags, ready to be discarded as well as others of women and men both celebrating the new laws.
We live in a frightening time where the very mothers that have killed their own babies celebrate on the streets over new rights to make it easier the next time.
But there are other mothers... mothers that have gone through with abortions in the past. Mothers that see the calendar and wonder what if. What if my baby was here today, would she be coming home from school with finger paintings. Would I be watching my son or daughter play their little league game this evening. There are some that will carry the physical and emotional scars for the rest of their lives. And there are fathers dealing with the same hurts. These people need to know that there is forgiveness to be had. There is freedom from guilt and pain through a relationship with Jesus. You and I need to share this message.
In Jeremiah 31, above, it talks about mothers whose children were taken off into slavery. In Matthew 2, Matthew used the words to depict the grief-stricken mothers in the Bethlehem area whose sons, age two or younger, were slaughtered by Herod's soldiers. Jesus understood the pain of a grieving mother and He still does today.
The young expectant mother sitting on the curbing crying needs to know that there are options. That the "mass of cells" inside her is much more... it is a baby, a gift from God with a beating heart. There is no doubt today that it is a life inside her... from the very second of conception... it is a life. This young mother needs to be loved and comforted. She needs to know that someone cares.
I don't post political devotionals, but this is not political... it's a matter of life and death, for a baby and maybe a mother. It's a call for prayer and love. It's a need for service In the name of Jesus.
These mothers and fathers making decision now or dealing with a past decision need to know what Psalm 147:3 says..."He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.". We need to come together in prayer for our country, for the decision so many are making and for the unborn babies facing death.
There is forgiveness and hope in Christ... and there are options. And we need to remember, HE STILL HEALS THE BROKENHEARTED.
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