Mark 4:24
And He was saying to them, "Take care what you listen to. By your standard of measure it will be measured to you; and more will be given you besides."
A call came on the ranch radio, it asked if we could run down the road to a fence crossing and check on an elk caught in the wire. Rob and I went down and worked for a while to cut this young elk calf free from the wire that had gotten twisted around his ankle.
Once the small bull was released, we had to fix the fencing. The entire time we worked on the repairs, that little elk stayed right at our side. It was an amazing experience to Rob and myself. What started out as a chore, became an unforgettable blessing.
I read a story this morning from a young man, John, that told of driving past a homeless man struggling with his belongings. He felt God tell him to stop and help this man get to where he was going. John thought he would be a blessing to this homeless man. As it turned out that John was extremely blessed by a wonderful person, that just happened to be homeless.
By the time they were done the man asked John, do you know Jesus? The whole time John was waiting to ask him that question. John was blessed because he listened to God telling him to stop and help a homeless man
If we will truly listen to God's prompting and calling, we will receive blessings beyond our expectations. What call are you missing because you're not truly tuned into God's calling? Or what blessings are you missing out on, because you are hearing God's prompting of your heart, but you're too busy to stop and answer the call.
Satan will always keep God's people too busy to do God's work, we must remain open and available when we hear His prompting.
Hebrews 3:12 says, "Do not neglect hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it."
Who knows when they may be called to do God's work that will become a life changing experience for us. If we hear God's calling, we must respond and do the job that He's calling us to do.
We've been commanded to be doers, not just hearers... So choose to listen and do.
James 1:22
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
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