Proverbs 13:20
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools suffers harm.
My cousin, Jeff, was hunting elk with my brother and Dave called a good bull into very close range. When, Jeff released his arrow it flew clean over the bulls back and off the side of the mountain. The ran off and Dave called it back. He had, Richard, another hunter, set up off to his side and the bull came right into less than 5 yards and that hunter harvested it
When Jeff, Richard and Dave got back to camp, they told the story to the others on what had happened. Someone asked Jeff why he miss such a close shot. Jeff said, “I think my arrow was bent or missing a fletching”. The other guy said, “You better go up the mountain and find that arrow, and if its not bent or missing a fletching… You had better bend it or remove a fletching before you bring it back.”
Our life is like an arrow flying through life. Somewhere out there is a target to shoot for but an arrow flying without stability rarely will hit a target.
What adds stability to the arrow shaft. Generally three fletching or feathers. The three fletching in our lives should be;
* The scripture- we need to be continually reading God's word to gain the wisdom on how we get through life.
* The spirit- when we've come to Christ we are given the Holy Spirit to fill us and direct us in right and wrong.
* The saints- surround yourself with the saints or Christians that will hold you accountable. They will live you and keep you going straight.
So for true stability in life allow these three things to help you to hit the "life target" that God has set before you. The scripture in front of you, the spirit inside of you and the saints around you. Keep them all there, all the time and you will hit your target.
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