Matthew 12:46-50
While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. 47 Someone told him, "Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you." 48 He replied to him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" 49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother."
When I was a kid the schools shut down for the first two days of deer season. In 1977 my dad allowed me to take off the 3rd day as well, because I made the honor roll at school. That day ended being a great day of hunting. I shot my first buck, my dad shot a good buck and my uncle shot a buck. If there is something better in hunting that getting a buck, it's sharing it with family.
To have had my dad with me when I took my first buck was something that will stay with me until I die. Our relationship was built on a few things, the Lord, hunting and sports. The connection of a father with their children should be a reflection of our relationship with our heavenly Father. But fathers are human... and we, as fathers aren't always perfect.
Several years ago my wife's father passed away. This strong Christian man was Linda's daddy until she was 8 years old. After that her parents divorced and because of years of deceit and whispers behind her back by others, Linda and her daddy were separated. 23 years later Linda learned that her daddy was not really her biological father. By this time he was older, and life had taken its toll on him. They tried to rebuild a relationship, but it never was close.
The other man that she learned was her biological father, died within a few days of Linda learning the truth. They had been close, but she was never able to build a father/daughter relationship.
When this father died his other daughter left Linda out of any mention in his memorial service... Linda was hurt bad.
Fast forward 25 years. The day the obituary for the man that Linda knew as daddy, so many years ago, came out in the local paper. I called home from on the road and could hear something in her voice that wasn't right. She explained she read another obituary that was missing her name.
Throughout that day Linda shared that while she was so hurt... But deep down inside she's ok. She said, I know that I have a family that will never be separated from me.
Linda knows she has a father that will never change, never let her down and never die. No matter the amount of hurt our family here on earth brings on us, we can know that heavenly and eternal family will never hurt us.
We have a Heavenly Father that will never leave us, never disappoint us and never hurt us.
When on the cross, Jesus cried out to His Heavenly Father, "Abba Father". The translation of this is Daddy. Those who are God's children, those that have put their full trust in God, have the right, the privilege to approach Him, calling out Abba Father... Daddy.
As we come to understand the true nature of God as He's revealed in the Bible we are amazed that He not only allows us, but even encourages us, to call Him "Abba Father." It is amazing that a holy and righteous God, who created and sustains all things, who is the only all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving God, would allow sinful men and women to call Him "Daddy." As we come to understand who God really is and how sinful we are, the privilege of being able to call Him "Abba Father" will take on a whole new meaning for us and help us understand God's amazing grace.0u
I have an amazing insightful wife that loves me but loves the Lord even more. And I have a God that is so much more amazing... An Abba Father and I am His child and my name is written in His book of life.
Revelation 21:27
But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the Lamb's book of life.
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