"His compassions never fail"

Matthew 4:5 
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." .... "for they shall be comforted."

Each day I waited for the call...  my dad was not doing well and we knew that it could be any time.  Then early one morning I got a call from my brother who told me my younger sister had passed away suddenly.  A few months later dad passed.  It was a rough time.  Now today my mom is waiting to go.  She's at the point where she's just impatiently waiting on the Lord to bring her home.

These are hard times to deal with... I'm not sure how anyone, on their own makes it through really tough times on their own.  Some people pour themselves into their work, some drink and some just shut down...  none of this takes the pain away... none of it gives hope.  When my dad passed I spent a day looking through old hunting photos of he and I, as well as others.  It just brought more tears.

I certainly don't feel blessed when I'm mourning.  I started taking a hard look at the last part of the verse above.  It assures us that we can rest on the fact that God will provide comfort when you're hurting so badly that we feel like we can't take another breath, like you don't want to live!.  He will sustain you and carry you through this time.  He will provide what you need, so ask Him to do it. 

"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:21-23

There are times we feel like we might be totally overtaken by my grief, but we must cling to this scripture because we know God's love will not fail us - it says we will not be consumed because of how strong His love is for us as His children.  

We are told as Christians we will suffer through things just as non-believers will because of this old world we live in.  BUT - we have an advantage - we have God on our side to cover us with His hands and protect us from being devoured.  It does not mean we won't have bad things happen, but it means we have the only One who can get us through, watching over us and caring for us in ways we don't even recognize.  

This is hope to me, and when you hit bottom, you have to have something to hope for.  Knowing God's love is steadfast and unchanging will carry us  through many hard times.

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