Mark 8:29
"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"
Peter answered, "You are the Messiah."

A friend of mine, Jim, was hunting for moose in the Northwest Territory of Canada about 10 years ago.  He was bow hunting and he and his guide were watching closely for grizzly bears.  On the 4th day of the hunt Jim was attacked by a giant grizzly and dragged down the mountain. 

As he was being mauled and carried off, his young guide was trying to get the bear off Jim.  With no thought for his own safety, he continually did everything he could to get the bear off of Jim.  He was willing to give up his life for another man.  He did this out of pure reflex action, not with forethought.   I wonder if he had thought about it beforehand, if he would have put himself in that position.

There is little doubt in the world today that Jesus actually lived 2,000+ years ago.  Few would dispute that fact.  Most, if not all, of these same people would agree that He was a very good man. (Few today in the world know Him as God).  So what did this "good man" have to say?  What were the most important points to His ministry?

John 15:13 tells us, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."

Jesus Himself was the greatest example of this.  The one exception for Him was that He not only laid down His life for His friends, but, He laid down His life for all the rest of us whose sins hung Him there on the cross.

So, can you, can I, lay down our lives for a friend?  Do we show the love that Christ exemplified?  Could you do it?  Few of us will ever be called to show that kind of love, but if your loved ones know you love that deeply with a Christlike kind of love...  It's enough.  So...

How deep is your love?

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