Luke 15:20

So he got up and went to his father.

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

There are milestones in the lives of all of our children. As they mature they begin to experience things that are sometimes difficult for parents (and grandparents) to feel comfortable with. Driving for the first time is a big event in the life of a young person. In a hunting family, having your child go off to hunt on their own can be a very challenging time.

Our minds race through all of the possible things that could be happening to them while they are gone. When you finally see them come back from the woods, into the camp or home, you breathe a big sigh of relief and want to hug them, though they don’t know why.

As a father and a grandfather, I love my kids and grandkids more than my own life. It will never go away and never fade. I can’t imagine living without each of them… there is that much love. 

There is an old George Strait song called "Its a Love Without End, Amen”. It speaks of both the love of a parent and the love of our heavenly Father. The chorus is this... 

"Let me tell you a secret about a father's love.

A secret that my daddy said was just between us.

He said, "Daddies don't just love their children every now and then.

It's a love without end, amen"

This is definitely true of our Heavenly Father, and it should be true of earthly parents as well.  

Luke 16 is written about a father who thought he had lost a son; he had taken his inheritance and ran off for the "good life"... No phone calls, letters, texts, or smoke signals... For all the father knew his son was dead. The son had hurt his father deeply, but the father continues to look towards the horizon, day after day, hoping his son would return.  

When the son finally returned, the father not only welcomed him back, he ran to him and hugged him. Then he did more, he celebrated that son's return with a party.

How many of us have a child who chose a different path than we wanted for them... A child who has decided not to live a life that is our choice? We can't give up... We should be in continual prayer for them. Look to the horizon; never stop loving.

Our heavenly Father is the example of this... we all let Him down. Yet, He waits patiently for His children. His heart has been broken by His children, but He waits for us to turn to Him and even after we've turned to Him and then turn away... He waits to hold us again in a close embrace.

Never give up, pray and trust God. God has never given up on you or me… He is our example. 



This week's GOD'S GREAT OUTDOORS RADIO and TRAIL TO ADVENTURE PODCAST tells the second half of the story of Country Music star, Chris McDaniel.  

Tune in and listen to how God took him from cocaine to Christ 

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