Job 26:7-8
He stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing. He binds up the waters in his thick clouds, and the cloud is not split open under them.
When I was a young boy I loved walking in the woods with my dad. I loved learning about nature; the salamander living under the rotted log, the call of the owl at dusk, ways to navigate in the dark, the ways of a whitetail in the fall and so much more. I was taught from a very young age that it was all done by design by a God that loved me dearly. I've never doubted any of that.
Several years ago, in Kentucky, there opened an amazing exhibit called THE ARK ENCOUNTER. This full sized ark that was built to the same specifications as the biblical ark has caused quite a stir over the last dozen years or so, within and outside the Christian community. While it is an amazing, "come to life" experience for those that believe the Biblical account of Noah and the Ark... it has brought ridicule from those that don't believe in God and creation.
Social media has since been filled with scoffers and mockers crying out against the existence of a creator, yet the more they scream, the more chance it gives those that believe a place to share their God. The Bible says, "be ready with an answer for the faith you have" and I believe it is time to speak to that faith and belief. It's time to study to know why we have faith that our God is who made us and our universe and continues today to hold it all together.
Just take our earth for instance, if it were even a couple of miles closer or further from the sun, we couldn't survive. If it didn't rotate at the speed it does things wouldn't work the way they do. If it didn't tip back and forth, tipping towards and away from the sun annually the northern and southern parts of our world could not hold life... what caused all this and has held it in place like that for thousands of years... an all powerful, all loving God... my God!
So, you will soon be called out for believing that a god (small g) did all this and you will probably be laughed at. Be ready with the answers of your/our God (big G) that not only loved us enough to create us, but loved us enough to send His only Son. To die for us so that when we die, we can have an eternal life in heaven with Him.
2 Timothy 2:15
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
There is so much information out there that proves the existence of our God... don't allow the scoffers to go unchecked... we are an amazing creation that could never have happened by accident...
When you tell those that doubt about your God that create you and this world... don't allow the opportunity to share the rest of the story. Believing in God isn't enough. Make sure they hear His word and what He did for us through the life, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.
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