Proverbs 30:5
"Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him"

There is a road on the west slope of the Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range in Southern Colorado that follows a small stream from the San Louis Valley all the way up to just under the ridge of the mountain range.  It is a beautiful drive all the way from bottom to top, but it is very difficult at times... But it is worth the effort.  The first time we attempted the road it was filled with rocks and logs and there were times when we had to clear it so that it was wide enough that we wouldn't drive over the edge and into the valley 250+ feet below.  It seemed each time we went up the road there was more clearing to do.

There were always numerous elk up that road and it was always worth the drive.  It started and ended at the same place each and every time and it never failed to bring you to an awesome place where you could see for miles down the San Louis Valley and along the ridge from far into New Mexico to the south and on a good day nearly all the way to Pike's Peak to the North.  As I said there were times when it was rough getting there, but the road always brought you to the same awesome place.

In our world today we are seeing a dangerous situation arising.   So many are taking something that has never changed and they are changing the path and the destination.  Men and women in many "Christian" churches are changing God's word to fit their life and situation... instead of changing their lives to fit what the Bible says.  God's word has never changed and it was written for the people of Christ's time and it was written for today as well.  Right and Wrong have not changed, and neither have God's teachings.  The Bible never changes; it changes us. If we disagree with something we read in Scripture, it's not the Bible that needs to change... it's us. We must reexamine our opinions and change them in the light of God's unchanging Word.

Numbers 23:9 makes it clear that God and His word do not change.  "9 God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?"

A few years back I met a teenage young man that wants to go into ministry.  He has told us that the Bible was written by men and it was their personal perspective.  He also said that because it was humanly inspired, it can change with society.  This is a shocking, yet common, feeling today.  But if we believe that any of the Bible is God's Word than it must all be Gods word.   2 Timothy 3:16-17 is clear that ALL scripture is inspired by God... not some scripture. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

If we start pulling the Bible apart and use those parts that fit our situation and our desires we can no longer rely on God Himself.  The Bible is either God's Word of it's not. Likewise, He is either God or He's not.   We can't have a changing God, because if He changes, than He is not what He claims to be.

We can find many scripture that show that God is the same today as He was when the scriptures were written.  You can not find scripture that says that God's word changes to fit our situation.  I don't want to serve and worship a god that changes on a whim; I want to serve a God that is unchanging and unwavering, a God that keeps His word in all things.  That is the God that I love.

Like the road that leads up the mountain in Colorado, the ride isn't always easy, but I know it brings me to where I want to be.  The same is true of God.  The Christian life isn't always easy... But our God and His promises are unchangeable and worth the effort.

Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. "

You and I and everyone who claims to follow Jesus must take an unshakable stand on the unchanging Truth.

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