Matthew 6:33-34

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


About the only thing I like more than a hunting or fishing trip is getting on the trip.  Traveling to a destination is ½ the fun for me.  Fishing and hunting close to home is never as much fun as traveling to do it.  Planning for the days, weeks and months just adds to the excitement. 


I love planning for a trip. I use my computer or phone to study land and lake maps so I know what it expect in the time ahead.  Generally when I reach a destination, I already have enough knowledge, that combined with some wisdom from past trips and experiences, can give me a head start when I have arrived.


A trip without a good plan can turn into a disaster in a hurry.  If you plan ahead, there is no need to worry about the details.  The same is true in our lives.  If we make good plans the future is apt to be less worrisome and difficult.  What road map should we follow to give us the right direction in life… The Bible.  It’s God’s very words to us to give us the proper leading and direction for our future.


In life we often fail to look ahead.  In Matthew it says not to “worry about tomorrow”, it doesn't say that we shouldn't plan for tomorrow.  In our country, the chances of dying of thirst or hunger or going naked are slim...  But if we don't plan, we may run into some rough times in life.


God gives us a mind to think ahead, He gives us friends with wisdom to help direct us and He gives us His word to show us that we need not fear but to move ahead with confidence.  We need to use that which God has given us.


On a trip we are also more successful when we are surrounded by others that know the way.  That is never more true than in our travels through life.  Surrounding ourselves with others that have the same path laid out as we do makes us very successful as we travel life’s rough roads.


Proverbs 15:22 explains it well.

"Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."


Don't worry...  plan and prepare.

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