Revelation 4:10
The twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:
"'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,' who was, and is, and is to come."

A several years ago we were packing up "stuff" at our old house and putting it in storage or throwing it in the trash.  I came across a trophy in a cabinet in the basement.  It wasn't too big, maybe 16", nothing special, but I knew right away what it was.  This trophy was from the first turkey calling contest I had ever won.  At the time of the contest it was a big deal, not any more, I threw it right into the trash.  I had worked hard to win that award and at the time it meant a lot to me.  There were several other awards there in the basement... all trash in the end.

Our house and camp are filled with trophies... deer heads line the walls, bear rugs and mounts, ducks, sheep, elk and more.  They great reminders of past hunts and time with good friends and family.  But these trophies have no eternal value.  As my grandson says, "they will all burn up in the end."

In Revelation 4 John tells about the 24 elders that take their crowns, these having been their rewards for their service here on earth, and throw them at the feet of Jesus.  I feel as though the magnificent glory of our Savior makes these things meaningless in comparison.

Here on earth we build up our own little "kingdoms" that take away from our relationship with the God that created us and the God we will spend all eternity with.  Each of these "kingdoms" needs to be taken and cast before the feet of Jesus in our lives.  He needs to be what our focus remains on.

In this life we need to bring all of our treasures, all of our awards, rewards, achievements and our pain, hurt, struggles, everything that makes up who we are and lay them at Jesus feet.  Give up of what we hold and allow Jesus to give back to us what is important to Him. 

If we can do this in our earthly bodies, first, imagine the blessings and rewards that Jesus will give us.  Second, the treasures waiting for us in heaven, I believe, will be beyond our wildest dreams.  And those rewards will last for all of eternity.

What do you need to cast at Jesus's feet today.  Go to Him in prayer and lay it all down.  What "kingdoms" are you still controlling that get in the way of Jesus completely filling you with His amazing love and life?  He is waiting for us to lay it all down and allow Him to bless us.  But first we have to "Lay it all down."

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