Nothing is Hidden

Hebrews 4:13
And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him.

It had been a pretty uneventful first hour of daylight, nothing was happening.  I do not enjoy hunting from a pop up blind for turkeys, so made matters worse.  But there were no trees along this field and my hunting partner that morning, Randy, really wanted to take a gobbler with his bow. After an hour or so we heard a gobble behind us.  I called and got an immediate response.  Within a couple minutes a mature gobbled and three jakes came right to our decoys.  Randy got his bow up and sent an arrow towards the biggest bird.  The gobbler ran a few steps and just stood there.  It looked like he was going to just die right there.  He started wobbling a little, then did something that amazed me, he got back on his feet and he took off flying.  He flew right over the blind and out of sight. 

When that bird flew off, my heart sank.  I knew that over the hill behind us was some of the thickest, tangled mess of woods you can find.  The cedars and underbrush is almost impenetrable.   But Randy and I split up and started looking.  After about an hour of crawling under the brush I had about given up, when I heard Randy yell from a few hundred yards above me, "Dean, I've got him".  I hurried straight up the hill to find Randy holding his trophy.  That gobbler had buried himself under the branches of a blown down cedar.  Randy stood next to him for a few minutes and suddenly saw something move 10 ft away... a wing feather.  He crawled in and pulled him out.  That gobbler had thought he had hidden himself where he would never be found... but he was seen. 

There are times when in our lives we think we've gotten away with some sin.  We think no one else knows about this.  But like Randy with that Gobbler, there is always God looking from above that sees everything.   Our Heavenly Father sees all that we do, the good and the bad.  There is nothing hidden from His view. 

Its spring and there a lot of new born fawns around...  the other day we saw one lay down by the edge of the road.  It thought it was hidden, but it didn't know that we could see it clearly.  It reminded me that God sees and knows, even when I think I'm hidden.  How many times in our lives have we done things that we would have changed if we had just remembered the verse above?  There are things that we have literally cried over after the fact knowing that God could see us the whole time and we hurt Him with our sin.  When we realize that the very God that created us and gave His Son as a sacrifice for just you and me... He can see us when we sin,  and He is pained when we turn against Him each time we sin... it should break our hearts.

We are all going to make decisions that are wrong... We are all sinners (Romans 3:23).  Next time you are at a crossroads and sin is right there in front if you, remember Hebrews 4:13 and know that HE sees and hears everything.  Consider your steps carefully.

There is also a great promise here as well.  If God knows our hearts and sees all things then He also knows and sees our struggles and our hurts.  He sees our needs and our victories.  And HE loves us so much that HE will meet our every need.

The next time you are tempted with sin, remember that maybe no else will know...  but God will know and your sin will break the heart of the God that loves you more than you can imagine.  That should stop all of us from making the wrong decision.

The good and the bad... nothing is hidden

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