Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
I had a friend, Carl, who hunted different places with us over the years. He hunted elk, turkeys and deer with me in several states. He was rarely successful and saw only a fraction of what others saw. He generally hunted on his own and one day I asked if I could sit with him in the draws in the Missouri River Breaks of South Dakota.
Well, I learned why he wasn't seeing much... he just couldn't pick out game in the woods, or even in the open a lot of the time. I would see a good buck and attempt to point it out, but before he could find it in his binoculars or scope it was gone again. He didn't see what I saw.
I remember a story from the Old Testament of a woman named Hannah who could not bear children. She desperately wanted to have a child and prayed continually for God to give her a son. One day while in the temple she knelt before the Lord and prayed her heart out. She wept and her lips moved as she talked to the Lord, but no sound came out. Eli, the High priest, saw her and thought she was drunk. He said to Hannah, "How long will you be drunk? Put your wine away.". She explained to Eli that she had not been drinking but she was praying from her heart to God to give her a son.
What others might not hear or see God hears and sees. There are times when it's best to share our prayers with others but there are other times when a silent prayer spoken silently from the heart is best. Sometimes our deepest desires, hopes and anguish can remain a private and intimate conversation with God. We know that God answers spoken and unspoken prayers.
When satan sees a man or woman who really believes in bringing their heart before God, who knows how to pray, and who really does pray, and even more, when satan sees a whole church on its knees before God in prayer, he trembles because he knows the power of those sincere prayers. He knows that he is being defeated there.
Lay you heart open before the Lord. Even today allow Him to see what you long to give Him in prayer and in life.
God answered Hannah's prayer. Shortly after the time at the temple she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. That son she named Samuel and when he was still young she gave Samuel back to the Lord to serve Him all his life.
God answers the prayer of the heart. Give yours to Him.
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