James 1:5

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

It was a beautiful mountain morning, brisk, clear and calm.  There were 1,000’s of quaking aspen leaves gently falling from the trees around me as I climbed the slope of the Colorado mountain.  There was a bull bugling above us and in less than an hour I would call that big bull elk right into my hunting client and we would spend the rest of the day packing an elk off the mountain.

Most days, as I climbed the mountains with hunters, I would spend the time praying silently.  I prayed, giving praise to God for His amazing blessings and for the gift of His son.  I would pray for those in camp hunting with us.  I prayed that as guides we would not only guide them to the elk or deer they wanted but also that we would guide them to a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

This morning was different, each morning guides and support staff gathered for breakfast before the hunters showed up, we would pray, read scripture and share a devotional.  That morning one of the guides brought James 1:5 that speaks of praying for wisdom.  That morning as I began to pray, after praising, I began to pray earnestly for wisdom.  Then I decided that this was going to be my daily request of God.  Not for wisdom so I could know what to do for myself or my family (although that is a side benefit of godly wisdom) but for God’s glory to be seen through my life. I stuck with it for months, maybe years, daily asking God for the wisdom that would direct my life… and I believe, though I do foolish things sometimes, He has provided the wisdom for life, day by day.

So what is the wisdom that comes from God?  Let’s look at this for a moment… first look at the promise of James 1:5, “let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”  God promises that He will supply wisdom, we just have to ask.  So, if you aren’t feeling really wise right now… why aren’t you asking for the gift?

Now, what is the wisdom that comes from God?  James 3:17 answers that question;

“Wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”

Who wouldn’t want all these characteristics in their life? 

We all know individuals that seems to thrive off of conflict.  I’ve actually known pastors that seemed to love to be in the midst of conflict all the time.  One pastor actually had his elder board afraid of him, some to the point that they dreamed nightly that the pastor was trying to kill him with a knife.  You would have to question if this pastor was praying for spiritual wisdom.

Do you want to be all you can be as a child of God?  Do you want to be; Pure, Peace loving, Considerate, Submissive, Full of mercy, Full of good fruit, Impartial and Sincere?  I would have to believe that any of God’s children would want these things.  So why aren’t we praying every day for the wisdom that only comes from God?

As we gain in wisdom we will find ourselves realizing more and more that we are not enough in ourselves… we need God more than ever.  We also begin to elevate those around us above ourselves.  When we do this God will lift us to where He wants us.

“He must become greater. I must become less.” (John 3:30)

If you want to know how to pray for me, pray for me to have more Godly wisdom.  After salvation there are likely few things more valuable on earth.

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