Exodus 2:3
But when she could hide him no longer, she got him a wicker basket and covered it over with tar and pitch. Then she put the child into it and set it among the reeds by the bank of the Nile.
It was always way before daylight that we would climb out of the warm truck and into the cold canoe that was sitting in the cold November river. Sometimes 2 or three of us, sometimes as many as four, drifting down the Sturgeon River in the black predawn darkness... the only noise was the slurping sound of the paddle dipping into the water and the dripping sound as it swung out again as the drops fell from the paddle on to the water's surface. Occasionally, a paddle would tap the side of the aluminum canoe and make a loud CLUNK in the quiet morning. This clunk was always met with a "Shhhhh" from dad who was always steering from the back.
Later in the day we often paddled back up the river with a buck or two in the canoe with all our passengers.
Looking back on that time, I can't imagine my dad putting his kids (12-18 year olds) in the canoe in the dark, and paddling down the near frozen river. I don't think I could do it with my kids.... They are too valuable to me and I would fear flipping the canoe and someone getting in serious trouble.
At the time of Moses' birth, Pharaoh decreed that all of the Israelite boys were to be drown at birth. Moses' mother could not imagine allowing her baby to be killed, so she hid him. When she could no longer hide him, she made a basket of reeds and lined it with pitch and set it afloat in the Nile. She had the basket watched but she had no idea what would happen. She trusted God to take care of what she treasured most. She had no idea what God had planned... but she trusted Him.
This story is similar to the story of Abraham and Isaac (He said, "Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you." Genesis 22:3). Although Abraham knew he was to give his son over to God, he didn't know what God had planned in the end. Both Moses' mother and Abraham we're blessed for their faith and obedience.
God calls us to trust Him with EVERYTHING in our lives.... From the least of what we have to our most cherished possessions. When we allow God to have them and trust Him with each and every thing we have, He will bless us for our faithfulness.
In the song, "Mount Mariah" we hear the promise of God.
"Lay it down at Mt. Moriah
Offer up what you hold best
Giving in complete surrender
That you may know God's faithfulness."
Whatever it is that we are holding on to.... Lay it down before God. Put it in a basket and set it afloat, waiting on God to take care of it. We know that He can do all things for His glory and for our well-being. Trust Him
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