Philippians 1:6   And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

As a kid I hunted in an area that had big red oak trees.  On years when the acorn crop was heavy it was a great place to hunt, deer, squirrels,  bears and many other species were drawn in from miles around to eat the acorns. 

Nearly every year as I walked through those woods, I would find acorns that were cracked open and sprouting a new tree.  I have always been fascinated by these types of things.  I have no problem believing that there is a God that has designed all of the universe around us.

Consider that small acorn that must leave the tree that birthed it and fall to the ground.  As I already wrote, there are many animals that want to devour those acorns... so the chances of making it into the next string are very slim.   But if he isn't eaten or a grub doesn't burrow in a destroy the acorn, he might sprout and become a mighty oak.

There's great hope in that acorn to live up to his potential.  But unless the acorn sends down roots into the soil to get nourishment, all of his hopes are for naught.  With a good root system he will never grow into what God made him to be.

Matthew 7:13-14 tells us that not many will make it to what God wants for us. 
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)

Most, like the acorn will be devoured by the things of this world.  Those that make it through still need the nourishment that comes from the live giving source that is God.  Our roots need to be set in God's nourishing word and daily connection with Him through prayer.

We are all born with the hope of the acorn.   The difference between us and the acorn is that God has made a way for us to grow into what He wants us to be.  The acorn can't make his own choice, we can. 

Have you passed through the narrow gate and chosen to follow Jesus Christ or are you living in a place where the things of this world will draw you away from Him.  If you have passed through the narrow gate, by accepting His gift and folding Him, are you setting down your roots into His word and growing into all that He wants you to be?

Where is your hope?  Is it in yourself and what you think you can do?  Or is it in God and all He has already done.  The choice is simple.  Choose wisely. 

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