Proverbs 28:13

He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, But he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion.

I love the first snows of the year. The new pure white covering up the brown leaves and evergreen boughs. If there is any way that I can be in the woods on those days, I do it. It can be a magical time. The last few days have been those types of days and it has been beautiful! However, this weekend it will be warming up and the fields and forest edges will turn from white to muddy brown.

A few years ago I went for a ride in the woods on one of those warm days and struggled a few times with nearly getting stuck in the newly created mud. I tried my best to stay out of the muddy places so as not to get sucked in and avoid getting myself in trouble. Within a few days all of the mud froze to the sides of my truck and I had a terrible mess to deal with.

Our lives are like this, one day we can be walking with the Lord in a beautiful pure way and things are great and then we get drawn away at times into a muddy mess. The longer we stay around those dirty times and places the more dangerous it becomes. We get sucked into the ruts that pull us away from what is pure and beautiful in a godly life. One we have been there a while it creates a mess and a problem that is hard to get rid of… just like the frozen mud on my truck

When we find ourselves being drawn away from a godly life we need to steer back into the solid road and to our beautiful life in Christ. The longer we stay away the more trouble we fall into.

I've learned that deciding to play in the dirt is like eating something you know will make you sick. No matter how sweet it smells, you know it will give you discomfort later. We shouldn't even attempt to taste it. Run away. We need to discipline ourselves to stay out of sin, or we suffer the consequences.

That's good advice, stay out of the mud, it will drag you in and it always gets you in trouble.

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