Psalm 115:1
"Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and faithfulness"
It was an elk hunters dream. 5 bulls came to the call, one at a time. It was probably the best afternoon of elk guiding I had ever experienced.
That afternoon in the Colorado mountains, after those 5 good bulls came by, I called in a very large 6x7 bull elk for my hunter. I knelt just a short few feet behind him and whispered as the bull came in. I told him to stay calm and even told him when to draw and release. He killed the big bull. I felt a real sense of pride in the harvest as I do when any of my hunters fill their tags. I try to keep in the front of my mind that while I work hard at it, and I do well, I can never take the glory for the success.
Each morning before we guided hunters on the Cielo Vista Ranch in Colorado, the guides came together for a short devotional and prayer. The main thing that we prayed for, besides being an example for Christ, was that whatever happened that day, that God would get all the glory and never the guides or the hunters.
James 1:17
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.
We can train and prepare for a lot of things and when we succeed at what we train for it is easy to want to receive glory. But, my prayer is that all of the glory for the successes in my life will go to Him. If God chooses to do great things through me or small seemingly insignificant things… I lay my life in total humility, never to take the Glory that comes from doing His great work… It all belongs to Him.
Without God allowing any of us to succeed, we would fail. Always remember, TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY.
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