Deuteronomy 31:6
“For the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”
It was so foggy that you could barely see 50 yards. We were hunting in the Missouri River breaks of South Dakota, where you can generally see hundreds if not thousands of yards, but that morning we were socked in, badly.
About an hour after daylight we could suddenly hear two bucks fighting off in front of us a ways. We strained to see through the cloud that surrounded us, but it was senseless to try. Shortly after the fight ended the fog began to lift just a little bit so I decided to try calling in a buck by rattling some antlers that I carried. I told Linda to get prepared in case something came rushing in through the fog.
As soon as I finished rattling a miraculous thing happened… the fog opened in one small place and a sunbeam shown down into the opening we were sitting in. At about exactly the same time a big nine point buck stepped into the opening and stood statuesque, staring in our direction. In a couple of seconds Linda fired and her buck was down. Within a minute the fog lifted and the day was bright and sunny.
All of us love a bright sunny morning, where the early morning sun creates a beautiful glow on everything, but those don’t always happen.
The sun is just about ready to come up this morning and it appeared to be dreary and damp. The eastern sky is bright pink signifying bad weather coming in, but even though I know that it is coming God is revealing Himself from behind the clouds.
If you’ve ever been in a airplane on a rainy day with low hanging clouds, you know the feeling of a weight holding you down. But as the plane rises and the rain slides across the window you enter a cloud bank and at times you can’t even see to the tip of the wing … everything is covered in a heavy blanket. Then suddenly you break free and lift above the cloud bank and into bright and beautiful sunshine. You then realize that it was always sunny. While the clouds attempted to cover the sun, it was shining just the same as it was the day before when you could see it from the ground.
This is also true with God. There are days where we wonder if He is close, because we can’t feel Him and somehow we can’t see His amazing workings, even though they surround us. But He is there on the dreary and cloudy days, just like He is on the beautiful days when we see Him clearly.
There is no doubt that we would all prefer blue skies and sunshine. Of course we look for and appreciate a more visible obvious and evident proof of His presence and working in our lives. But here are the facts… for our faith to grow we must believe God is always there even though there are days when the heavy clouds, fog and dreary weather may seem to block our view.
It is very important to understand that God is still with us on the days when the skies are not blue. There are no clouds that can lessen the power of the sun, or cloud or storm that can diminish the power of our God.
What is it that has formed clouds or storms in your life? Have you been attacked by a loved one, are there financial issues or fears that have clouded the skies of your life today. We must remember that the same God that is blessing us on the wonderful sunny days, loves us just as much on the cloudy and stormy days and the blessing He’s wanting us to have are still there.
We may not be able to move any clouds one inch in the sky for the sun to shine through today… But like in the plane, we can climb above all that is hiding God from our eyes. We can remove the fog that is dampening our minds that make us feel like God has moved away from us.
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
See past the clouds and see that He is always there for you.
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