Mark 4:19
but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.

Twice in my guiding career ice come face to face with grizzly bears.  One time I had to fire my firearm... the other time my friend fired his gun.  These were times when I had no plan to face a bear... I was too busy doing other things... but my priorities changed in split second. 

There comes a time in life when we realize that we are too busy to fit one more thing into our day, our week, our month or our year.  We can't waiver from what we are doing or we won't get done all that we've set out to do. 

Unfortunately, the irony is that we are busy doing many things that don't matter and we have no time for things that do. Shouldn't we reverse it?  Shouldn't we be looking at what's really important in life and cut some of the rest out?

Luke 12:34 tells us of priorities
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

We go through life, day after day, trudging along doing the tasks that really aren't going to make a difference in an eternal perspective.   Then one day something happens that shakes our world.   A bad illness, a car accident or an all out attack by a grizzly bear on a mountain side.  Whatever it is it brings all the you've been doing in life into perspective in a matter of moments.

Sometime in life we all come to the place where we realize we've been "minoring in the majors and majoring in the minors" (that is spending time on things that don't matter) for so long and we've got it all wrong.  We've lived a selfish life that needs to be changed. 

Ahab was an evil king of Israel.  He and his wife, Jezebel, are known for evil royalty.  Ahab was extremely successful in battle...  And God allowed him to be so.  Ahab and Jezebel's lives were full of business.  They were very busy people.  We can read about all that they did in 1 Kings chapters 16-21.  Ahab ruled over God's own people yet none of it mattered for what was really important.   Ahab and Jezebel wasted their lives.  They truly minored in the majors and majored in the minors of life and in the end it cost them everything.

Being busy isn't bad,  being busy with the "wrong" things is.  Step back and look at where your time is spent.  Who are you serving with your busyness?  If you aren't serving God through these periods of being "busy"... Then you are just "too busy".

Reconsider your priorities and start majoring in what is really important.

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