Philippians 2:14-16
Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, "children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation." Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky 16 as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.
I had two hunters (husband and wife) that hunted with me several times over a decade. Early on in our guide/client relationship few things were ever right for the husband. It didn't matter where I put him, he would tell me and others that he was unhappy with his stand location. He was aways, "too close to this, or too far from that"... it was just never right, so he was always spending more time changing things and complaining than he was hunting. At the same time, his wife was quietly hunting and shooting big bucks.
I learned that even when everything went completely right and he harvested a big buck... he had something to complain about. I was happy when he found a different place to hunt.
No one really enjoys being in the company of a "complainer"? The world (those without Christ) have an excuse to be continually complaining... Those called to Christ have reason to be different. This is why Paul is telling the Philippines to be different... To be "called out".
We need to keep in mind what Paul has just been talking about. He's urged the Philippians to adopt the mindset and attitude of Jesus, the one who gave up everything for the sake of love, love for us. More than that, Paul's urging them to accept God's invitation to be loved, renewed, and transformed. And now he's encouraging them to remember who they are... not children of the world, with no hope and not to run after acceptance by fitting in, by doing whatever everyone else is doing simply because everyone else is doing it. Rather, they (we) are children of God. And so he invites them (us) to be different because they (we) are different.
We are adopted and blessed by God and intended to shine into the dark world. To be willing to share love when the world says hold back, to work for peace and love when the world urges hatred and war, and to seek reconciliation when the world wants to divide everyone into sides.
Be different because you are different. Be different because you are God's beloved children. Be different to make our Lord proud. Be different because you might inspire others to be different too. Be different, finally, because you can.
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