James 4:2-3
...You do not have because you do not ask God. 3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

Several years ago  my friend, Matt , and his father were at my camp for a deer hunt.  Matt's been hunting here for a few years and has become a good friend and he wanted to share the experience with his dad.  On the second morning Matt got a shot on a really good buck.  Before he went to look for the buck he picked up his dad and brought him over to help. 

Matt's dad stood near where the buck stood, while he went to the last area he thought he heard the buck.  He looked and looked without finding any sign of a hit.  He circled around and around and eventually feeling discouraged, he decided to circle back to where his father was waiting for him and start over.  When he got his direction reset he took a few steps and there it was... his 9 point buck, only a few yards from where he had stood when he took the shot.

How many times do we go out on our own to solve a problem or search for something in life.  We struggle and struggle and look for answers in many places that we think are right... when we've exhausted all options, discouraged we decide to circle back to where we should have started in the first place .. with our Heavenly Father.

Why is it that we go to Him as a last resort instead of at first when we are facing a problem?  We should know better, but we take matters into our own hands and struggle through one issue after another?  As James 4:2-3 tells us, we don't ask, and even when we do, we do it for the wrong reasons.  Why not go to our Heavenly Father first and ask Him to go before us in our needs?

In 1 Peter 5:7 we're instructed to, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

God is there to help His children. Go to Him when you are in need and lay your cares before Him.  He wants to help His children.  But don't just go when you have a problem. No, go to Him when you have a praise, when you have thanks and just to spent time with Him.  He's waiting for each and every chance He has to share time with you and me. 

If you've not gone to Him first it's time to circle back to where you should have started in the first place.  Circle back.

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